Back to ProjectsIt's not really a TV, it's just a computer on the wall.
It used to be our family computer, it was an HP Pavilion all-in-one (23-p114), released in September of 2014. It came with Windows 8 (Haha! Everybody point and laugh!), and by the time Win8 was reaching End-Of-Life, it was time for a replacement. I saw an opportunity and proposed a deal with my parents: If they funded upgrades to my PC, I would build a new family PC out of my old PC parts (as well as some extra parts I had in my closet). I came out of the deal with quite a nice gaming machine (Mini ITX form facor, by the way! Perhaps I'll make a tangent about it), and all they got was some pretty average parts thrown together.
They were going to find an electronics recycling place to discard it, but they gave me first dibs to salvage parts that I want (they know I like my parts!). Unfortunately for the poor recycling place, I wasn't going to let a single part go to waste. So, for a few months all the disassembled parts just collected dust in my room until I had the idea to mount the parts exposed on my wall, and taking advantage of that large screen.