Corn is a young Chaco Golden Knee tarantula (Grammostola pulchripes). He is most likely a male. I picked him up on January 13, 2024.

In the car after picking him up
In the car after picking him up
In the car after picking him up [2]
In the car after picking him up [2]
In the car after picking him up [3]
In the car after picking him up [3]
In the car after picking him up [4]
In the car after picking him up [4]
lookit him...
lookit him...
embracing an arboreal lifestyle
embracing an arboreal lifestyle
Dancing to celebrate a nice meal
The Spider Shelf
The Spider Shelf
just chillin, y'know?
just chillin, y'know?
wow lookit his belly
wow lookit his belly
oh we're zooming in now
oh we're zooming in now
we feed the opps to corn, watch out
Drinking from his new water bowl
Drinking from his new water bowl
on his moss, look at that goofy face
on his moss, look at that goofy face
corn being scary and ominous
corn being scary and ominous
Chilling under his leaf
Chilling under his leaf
he looks like a puppy
he looks like a puppy
Timelapse of Corn's molting process
Corn's exuvia
Corn's exuvia
Epigastric furrow area under a microscope. I'm not sure if Corn's sex is able to be determined from this image.
Epigastric furrow area under a microscope. I'm not sure if Corn's sex is able to be determined from this image.
scrungly guy
scrungly guy (continued)
scrungly guy (continued)
corn's goofy walk
sitting on his leaf
sitting on his leaf
surveying his kingdom from the top of his bark
surveying his kingdom from the top of his bark
Showing us those brand new fangs
Showing us those brand new fangs
Sitting on his leaf (part 2)
Sitting on his leaf (part 2)
zoomed in face
zoomed in face
lookit him....
lookit him....
he loves looking out the window!
he loves looking out the window!
Enjoying a meal
Sitting on his leaf (part 3)
Sitting on his leaf (part 3)
Corn remembering he's not arboreal
nom nom nom
Side Profile
Side Profile
lookit his webs!
lookit his webs!
so pretty!!!
so pretty!!!
he face
he face
After the molt, I was not at home during the molt
After the molt. I was not at home during the molt
Microscope view of epigastric furrow. No spermatheca are visible, so this means Corn is most likely a male.
Microscope view of epigastric furrow. No spermatheca are visible, so this means Corn is most likely a male.
Stretching his new (and still soft) exoskeleton out (angle 1)
Stretching his new (and still soft) exoskeleton out (angle 1)
Stretching his new (and still soft) exoskeleton out (angle 2)
Stretching his new (and still soft) exoskeleton out (angle 2)
Another stretch
Another stretch
On his log, Still a little discolored from the molt
On his log, Still a little discolored from the molt
Corn enjoying his first meal after his molt (part 1)
Corn enjoying his first meal after his molt (part 1)
Corn enjoying his first meal after his molt (part 2)
Corn enjoying his first meal after his molt (part 2)
goofy abdomen position
goofy abdomen position
lookin at you
lookin at you
showing those fangs
showing those fangs
what is he lookin at...
what is he lookin at...
lookit those colors!!!
lookit those colors!!!
sitting on his leaf (no flash 1)
sitting on his leaf (no flash 1)
sitting on his leaf (no flash 2)
sitting on his leaf (no flash 2)
Corn showing off his dance moves!
sitting on his leaf (flash 1)
sitting on his leaf (flash 1)
sitting on his leaf (flash 2)
sitting on his leaf (flash 2)
just chilling, i think
just chilling, i think
I don't know what that gold patch on his abdomen is
I don't know what that gold patch on his abdomen is
touching the glass
touching the glass
an interesting view. i think
an interesting view. i think
hanging off his Leaf
hanging off his Leaf
Sitting in his water dish (that he filled up with dirt)
Sitting in his water dish (that he filled up with dirt)
Side profile from in his water dish
Side profile from in his water dish
Showin us his teeth (not a threat pose, he's just climbing on the side of his enclosure)
Showin us his teeth (not a threat pose, he's just climbing on the side of his enclosure)
corn =)
corn =)
Hiding under his leaf (part 1)
Hiding under his leaf (part 1)
Hiding under his leaf (part 2)
Hiding under his leaf (part 2)

© 2024 linhart
Color palette based off of Catppuccin Latte 🌻